Fattoria Le Pupille






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Schon 1985 erkannte Elisabetta Gepetti das Potenzial unterschiedlicher Terroirs in der Maremma und begann auf nur 2 ha sowohl einheimische als auch internationale Rebsorten in einer Weise anzupflanzen, wie es dort nie zuvor versucht worden war – und das mit großem Erfolg: Ihre Weine verbinden Tradition und Moderne, spiegeln das Terroir der Maremma präzise wider und beeindrucken durch Eleganz und Finesse. Heute bewirtschaftet sie 85 ha Weinberge und wird dabei von ihren Kindern Clara (Export) und Ettore (Weinbau und Kellerverwaltung) unterstützt, beide dazu entschlossen, weiterhin das Potenzial der Maremma zu entdecken und zu fördern.

Elisabetta Geppetti mit Tochter Clara & Sohn Ettore © Fattoria Le Pupille
Ettore Rizzi im Weinberg von  Fattoria Le Pupille © Fattoria Le Pupille
Saffredi IGT © Fattoria Le Pupille


1. Morellino di Scansano is for you …?

Ettore Rizzi: It is our identity, an intertwined connection of our history, our culture, our tradition. 

2. Is the Maremma the hot spot of wine making in Tuscany?

E. R.: Absolutely yes. It is a vast territory that spreads from the southern part of the province of Livorno to the north of the Lazio region and the Amiata mountains in the east. The region is known for its deeply rooted wine-making tradition and culture. Thanks to the great success of the last decades, it is finally a part of the international fine wine map. 

3. How important was or is the Saffredi for your winery?

E. R.: It is our family’s jewel. To my mother, it represents her sixth child. To me, as a new generation and technical manager in charge of the winery, it is a big responsibility and a great challenge, to keep improving this wine every year, whilst embracing the continuous changes around us, especially those caused by the climate change. 

4. What would be your grape variety of choice, which is not growing in your vineyards yet?

E. R.: Cabernet Franc and Grenache. Cabernet Franc and Grenache. Since I am very curious and very attracted to the new and the unknown, Cabernet franc and Grenache are varieties that are still unique for our region. At some point in the future, we might give them a try. 

5. Apart from Tuscany, what other wine region(s) of the world do you prefer? 

E. R.: Medoc and Sicily. Medoc has always been an inspiration to us. It is the reason, why we made Saffredi. We wanted to create a wine from the Maremma, which is an interpretation of the wines of Medoc. Saffredi is, in our opinion, our equivalent to Bordeaux wines – with a Mediterranean signature. 
As for Sicily, like everyone else in the world of wine, we are amazed by the huge progress the Sicilian wine producers have made in the last years. Especially the Etna region was able to produce absolutely mind-blowing white and red wines.

6. Which was the most memorable wine you ever tasted and why?

E. R.: Château Latour 1965 – maybe because it is the same year my mother was born. I still feel its taste and freshness on my palate. A true masterpiece of the art of winemaking!

7. How do you react to the rising temperatures and less rain caused by climate change in your vinery?

E. R.: The main challenge is to learn, how to make great wines every year, continuously. Circumstances that were useful to create beautiful wines of the vintage of past years, are not necessarily beneficial for the current vintage. Neither the weather nor the outcome of a vintage are predictable nowadays. 

8. The wines of Tuscany and their traditional wine style are internationally famous. Is this a blessing or a curse for new ideas?

E. R.: It is a great blessing for tradition and new ideas. Tuscany is, indeed, a fantastic territory capable of offering outstanding wines, compared to either local or international varieties. We are feeling really lucky to be part of it. 

9. Who is a real role model in the world of wine for you and why?

E. R.: The Antinori Family, for how they contributed to the development of the Tuscan region in general and of its fine wines. I believe, when a great producer is highly successful, it is good for everyone in the region and not only for their personal achievement. 

10. Apart from working in the vineyard and the cellar, a winegrower has many other tasks to take care of. How important are trade fairs, tastings and wine dinners, where you can present your wines to an audience, for you?

E. R.: It is very important to put your best effort in creating the best wines, but I believe, it is also important to participate in fairs, wine tastings and other similar activities, because you may have the greatest wines of all, but if you do not communicate your passion, your ideas and your vision well enough, nobody will ever know about them.
Morellino di Scansano is our identity, an intertwined connection of our history, our culture, our tradition. 

Ettore Rizzi
Robert Parker

Robert Parker 90

12,24 € statt 14,40 €

16,32 € / 1l

inkl. MwSt., zzgl. Versandkosten

Lieferfrist: ca. 3-7 Werktage

0,75 l
12,30 €

14,76 € / 1l

inkl. MwSt., zzgl. Versandkosten

Lieferfrist: ca. 3-7 Werktage

ab 6 Stück 10 % Rabatt,
Einzelpreis: 11,07 €

0,75 l
19,10 €

22,92 € / 1l

inkl. MwSt., zzgl. Versandkosten

Lieferfrist: ca. 3-7 Werktage

ab 6 Stück 10 % Rabatt,
Einzelpreis: 17,19 €

0,75 l
Robert Parker

Robert Parker 94

38,40 €

46,08 € / 1l

inkl. MwSt., zzgl. Versandkosten

Lieferfrist: ca. 3-7 Werktage

ab 6 Stück 10 % Rabatt,
Einzelpreis: 34,56 €

0,75 l
Robert Parker

Robert Parker 95+

James Suckling

James Suckling 95

38,40 €

46,08 € / 1l

inkl. MwSt., zzgl. Versandkosten

Lieferfrist: ca. 3-7 Werktage

ab 6 Stück 10 % Rabatt,
Einzelpreis: 34,56 €

0,75 l
Robert Parker

Robert Parker 95

42,60 €

51,12 € / 1l

inkl. MwSt., zzgl. Versandkosten

Lieferfrist: ca. 3-7 Werktage

ab 6 Stück 10 % Rabatt,
Einzelpreis: 38,34 €

James Suckling

James Suckling 95

78,20 €

52,13 € / 1l

inkl. MwSt., zzgl. Versandkosten

Lieferfrist: ca. 3-7 Werktage

1,5 l
93,90 €

125,20 € / 1l

inkl. MwSt., zzgl. Versandkosten

Lieferfrist: ca. 3-7 Werktage

0,75 l
97,60 €

117,12 € / 1l

inkl. MwSt., zzgl. Versandkosten

Lieferfrist: ca. 3-7 Werktage

ab 6 Stück 10 % Rabatt,
Einzelpreis: 87,84 €

0,75 l
99,50 €

66,33 € / 1l

inkl. MwSt., zzgl. Versandkosten

Lieferfrist: ca. 3-7 Werktage

1,5 l
Robert Parker

Robert Parker 94

102,10 €

136,13 € / 1l

inkl. MwSt., zzgl. Versandkosten

Lieferfrist: ca. 3-7 Werktage

0,75 l

Winespectator 97

103,00 €

123,60 € / 1l

inkl. MwSt., zzgl. Versandkosten

Lieferfrist: ca. 3-7 Werktage

ab 6 Stück 10 % Rabatt,
Einzelpreis: 92,70 €

Robert Parker

Robert Parker 98

James Suckling

James Suckling 99

108,40 €

130,08 € / 1l

inkl. MwSt., zzgl. Versandkosten

Derzeit nicht lieferbar

ab 6 Stück 10 % Rabatt,
Einzelpreis: 97,56 €

126,40 €

151,68 € / 1l

inkl. MwSt., zzgl. Versandkosten

Lieferfrist: ca. 3-7 Werktage

ab 6 Stück 10 % Rabatt,
Einzelpreis: 113,76 €

0,75 l


James Suckling

James Suckling 99

452,00 €

150,67 € / 1l

inkl. MwSt., zzgl. Versandkosten

Lieferfrist: ca. 3-7 Werktage

3 l

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